First Aid & Short Range Radio (VHF) Course
RYA First Aid Course
You can now split your payments into 3 interest free instalments using PAYPAL 3
This one-day RYA first aid course is aimed at anyone who goes afloat. You may be a yachtsman doing channel passages or a powerboater out on Southampton water. The course is designed to take in many regular first aid topics’ and relating these to being afloat and the practicalities of being on a boat.
It is thought that knowing a little first aid even in a remote location can give a casualty the time to survive while help is called.
The course is usually taught by our principal instructor who has over 30 000 miles at sea including Atlantic crossings.
To book choose a date in the calendar on the right or if you cannot see a date call us on 07834733323
This course fulfils the requirements for:
The subjects specific to boating include:
Duration 8 Hours
For skippers, mates and instructors, working on MCA coded vessels this course includes the regulations of Category C First Aid Kit and its contents.
£99 includes in the RYA First Aid Pack worth £8 , which can be provided as a book or an EBOOK please state at time of booking.
I usually don't enjoy these courses, but good old Jolly Roger made the day fly by.
Andy Lymington Harbour Authority
RYA Short Range Radio (VHF) coures, Hythe, Southampton
Hythe, Southampton
*Please note the cost of this course does not include the
RYA Exam Fee of £70 which is bookable here
** Normally Requires minimum of 4 to run
Please note the cost of this course does not include the RYA Exam Fee of £70 which is bookable here
SRC = Short Range Radio Certificate
DSC = Digital Selective Calling, included in most modern radios.
GMDSS = Global Maritome Distress Safety System.
The RYA Short-Range Certificate is the minimum qualification required by law to control the operation of VHF and VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) equipment on any British-flagged vessel voluntarily fitted with a radio. This includes both fixed and handheld equipment using International channels.
A radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board and it is vital to understand the correct procedures. Unnecessary transmissions could block out a Mayday distress call.
To book choose a date in the calender on the right or if you can't see a date call us on 07834733323
At Jolly Roger Sailing this course will be taught and examined using iCOM training radios. These are real radios with the transmitter removed but connected as a network through cables. This means that you can gain hands on experience using the radios and get to know how they work. We have three main sets and 1 handheld for you to use.
The day will be an intensive day including at least 8 hours of teaching and an exam. The RYA specify that it should take close to 10 hours. To cover this, you will be sent the RYA booklet early, plus a quiz that will show that you have done at least 3 hours of reading in advance.
£99* Includes the RYA Short Range Radio Book worth £11.00, which can be provided as a book or an EBOOK please state at time of booking.
You may ask the question ‘I have and older VHF License?’ All new VHF sets are either fitted, or can be interfaced, with DSC allowing calls to specific vessels. If you hold the 'old' VHF license (pre-1999) you need to upgrade your qualification when you purchase new equipment. Call us to discuss the update training required and to organize an SRC examination.
*NOTE - the cost of this course does not include the cost of the examination, £60, which should be paid for in advance on the RYA website. We will book an examiner for you. The examiner will watch you using the radios and will also set you a short-written test.
Alice Madden-Curtis via Google
***** Stars
We did a VHF radio course with Roger. He knew the subject matter well and helped us learn the practical bits across the course of the day. Both myself and my husband passed our exam and we are very happy with the course and Roger's instruction.
Event Date | 22-02-2025 |
Event End Date | 23-02-2025 |
Cut off date | 22-02-2025 |
Capacity | 4 |
Registered | 0 |
Available place | 4 |
Individual Price | £120.00 |